Gaming Magazine

Day 10 of Not Smoking…

By Dotchi Latham @DotchiLatham

Today will make day 10 of not smoking. I used the program Smoker Reducer Quit Smoking Program to quit smoking gently instead of going cold turkey (and having a stress attack from nicotine withdrawals).

So far it seems to be going well. I still crave a cigarette every now and then. It’s not horrible though. I keep myself busy with reading or making some recipe or playing online.

The bad side to Quitting

I figured I would tell you the bad stuff first then I’ll share the good parts.

Bad part #1: OMG! The headaches! I keep getting headaches. I think it’s partly because my sinuses are clearing out, partly my blood sugar going crazy (mostly unrelated) and partly from withdrawals. I was pointed to a video on tapping and gave it a try. It actually works! Okay, so it’s not 100% gone. But I will take 99% gone over a raging headache any day!

Here is the video 

<\/param><\/embed><\/object><\/div>";" alt="" />Tapping for headaches

I will say that I really don’t think her headache was a 9… but pain is subjective… but still, 9 is rather high. But I did the tapping and it does help.

Bad part #2: OMG! I am HUNGRY!:  Since I quit smoking, I found my appetite has come back in full force. Yea, I didn’t miss being hungry all the time, but it’s better than smoking.

Bad part #3: Getting in touch with my emotions: Since I no longer have the ability of running outside to smoke as a way of avoiding my emotions, I am actually getting in touch with them. That means I kind of have diarrhea of the mouth.

Now the good side of quitting smoking! 

Good part #1: Getting in touch with my emotions: I know, I know. This was a bad side… but it’s also good. I am being much more assertive now and saying what I really think rather than keeping it all bottled up inside. On the days I don’t just start spouting off my thoughts and I spend a moment thinking about what I am going to say, I feel down right assertive and it’s making me feel rather good about myself.

Good part #2: I can breathe! I feels good to breath again without all the smoke and toxins in my lungs. My kids are even breathing easier and I don’t smoke inside. So this is an added benefit!

Good part #3: I am saving money!: Without smoking, I am saving about $30 a week. YOUCH! That was an expensive habit!

Good part #4: I can taste my food! Not saying I couldn’t taste it before I quit smoking, but it tastes so much better now. Which makes it really hard to quit buying coffee shop coffee but at least that is a cheaper habit than my smoking.

SO, how many of you have quit? And if you quit, what changes did you notice?

From The Baker's Acres!

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