Family Magazine

DANCE Parenting Classes January 12-25, 2014 (from Your Own Home)

By Slattenk

Parenting is a dance you do with your kids. If you don't like their moves, take this class and learn how to change your lead!

Discover your children's strengths and increase their competence
Aim for high expectations based on your children's developmental level
Notice misbehavior and respond with reasonable, valuable consequences
Control your reaction to stressful parenting situations
Enjoy your children and take time to renew yourself

parents dancing with little daughter

Priceless Parenting classes are grounded on decades of positive parenting experiences from real life situations and backed by the latest scientific research in child development. The DANCE Parenting Class combines the powerful online parenting classes and written questions/answers with the class author, Kathy Slattengren, M.Ed.

Space is limited. Register today for one of these classes.

Register by December 20th for $89! (after that $99)

Yes! I want to join this parenting class. I understand that I will get:
  • 11 audio/video parenting lessons, January 12 - 25, 2014
  • Written interaction with the instructor, Kathy Slattengren, on each lesson
  • Ability to schedule a 20 minute private call with Kathy Slattengren
  • PDF copy of the book How to Parent In Ways That Are Truly Helpful, Not Hurtful
  • Certificate of Completion for 8 hours upon finishing the course and filling out a questionnaire
  • Permission to share this course with my spouse or partner
Learn more and register for one of these classes:
  • Ages 5 and Under 
  • Ages 6 to 12 
  • Ages 13 to 18 

DANCE Parenting Classes January 12-25, 2014 (from your own home)

I hope you are able to join me!
   Kathy Slattengren, M. Ed.
   President, Priceless Parenting
P.S. If you know someone who might enjoy taking this class, please do me a favor and share this with them.

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