Destinations Magazine

D Magazine Throws a Foodie Feast to Celebrate the 100 Best Restaurants in Dallas

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia
D Magazine throws a foodie feast to celebrate the 100 Best Restaurants in Dallas

If you love to eat, this will be the par-tay of the year for you! Nancy Nichols, Food Editor for D Magazine, is throwing a fun soiree to celebrate the publication of the June 2013 issue which contains The 100 Best Restaurants in Dallas. The Best Restaurants event will take place on Wednesday, May 22 from 6 to 8 pm at 3015 Trinity Groves and will feature food from the top chefs in Dallas. The fare will feature an eclectic mix of haute cuisine, off-the-beaten-path barbecue joints, and a variety of dishes from ethnic restaurants. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to mingle with an unprecedented gathering of chefs and restaurateurs from the top restaurants in Dallas. Along with the food tastings, there will be cocktails by Brugal Rum, beer by Trumer Pilsner, DJ Jose Guevara, Land Rovers on display and a See's Candy buffet.
Nichols says,"If you don’t like my picks, you can throw a pie at me. I’ll be right outside the front door waiting for you. It will cost you $20 and the money collected will go to the North Texas Food Bank." Oh... I am so there Nancy and I got a big, fat pie with your name on it! :)
Tickets are $50 and can be purchased at

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