Hair & Beauty Magazine

Current Skin Care Routine // Feat. Lush, Innoxa, Uriage, John Plunkett, Suvana Organic, Nivea & Sukin

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
I haven't talked much about skin care in a while so I thought I would do a current skin care routine post. A while back, my mom and I went out and bought a whole bunch of Lush skin care as we found their range worked extremely well for us. We're still using our Lush, though now and again, we still like to try out other products. Also, the Lush products that we bought were mainly geared towards deep hydration for our dry skin - a problem which reared its ugly head a lot more during winter. With the onset of this heat wave, I have found myself reaching for other products lately.
Current Skin Care Routine // Feat. Lush, Innoxa, Uriage, John Plunkett, Suvana Organic, Nivea & Sukin
1. Lush Eau Roma Water // Nothing like a few refreshing sprays on a hot day. This is one of my favorite toners and has been one of my constantly reached for toners for the last few months.
2. John Plunkett Glyco Peel Night-time Exfoliator * // I use this every second night and have heard my fair share of raves about it. This exfoliator uses 25% glycolic acid to remove dull skin cells in combination with Aloe Vera for the "soothing hydration (of) newly exposed skin cells". While I have generally problem-free skin, I do have rather dull complexion which I partly put down to a laziness in exfoliating. I was glad to find it gentle {I do feel a very, very slight stinging near my nose which does not last} and it has not caused any flaking or harsh reaction on my skin. I have only tried a Glyco Peel once and this was my second experience with it so I was still unsure about it. However, I am happy with its effect and how it brightens my skin tone. Its very affordable $28.95 price tag is a huge plus point too.
3. Innoxa Renew Anti-Aging & Firming Facial Serum* // I have rediscovered this in my stash and am trying to finish it up. {I am terrible at finishing products; am I the only beauty blogger left who has not done a single Empties post?} I enjoy how smooth this serum makes my skin feel and it does make my pores very much less obvious. I use this every morning and night.
4. Uriage AquaPRÉCIS Moisturizing Refreshing Cream Gel // One of my favorite moisturizers. I love the scent {might be a tad heavy for some though}, I love the lightweight texture, I love how a little goes a long way and how it spreads and absorbs easily. This gives my skin just the right hydration needed and is an oil-free formula that is not greasy. Something I will put on my repurchase list.
5. Reviva Labs Eye Gelee Concentrate // Another something something I'm trying to finish up! I don't particularly enjoy using this concentrate. While I love the gelee texture, this absolutely stings my eyes for some reason so I try to apply it further from my eyes than usual. It does help with the dryness and general puffiness under my eyes but I haven't really seen any improvement with the fine lines. Also, daytime use is suggested though I think I really need a more potent nighttime eye cream. Seeing as it's pretty near the end now, I'll just push through with it and then end the relationship I guess!
6. Sukin Rose Hip Oil* // I don't use this rose hip oil very often on my face as I am not too big on oils. However, I have been using this just once a week before bed and in the mornings, my skin always looks a lot better. It provides a lot of hydration to my dry skin through the night and my pores also end up less visible.
7. Suvana Organic Paw Paw & Honey Balm* // Since I started blogging, I have tried a fair few brands of Paw Paw and this, my friends, is amazing!! When I first posted a pic of it on my Instagram & Facebook, I had ladies telling me it's their HG or even mums who say it's great on their babies. This is 100% natural, petrochemical free with 98.1% of the ingredients certified organic. It has been sitting loyally in my bedside table, on standby for chapped lips and sore baby diaper areas! When my bub had an episode of diaper rash recently {she doesn't usually get them}, I used this on her and it cleared up really quickly. Also, the honey used in this balm has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a light, sweet honey scent to it which I like and I have never had any problems with the product caking in the tube or oils building up in the tube which I have experienced with another Paw Paw balm that I have since chucked :(  This Suvana Organic balm is $7.95 and I would pick this any day over the other brands now.
8. Nivea Lip Butter Caramel Cream // Nourishing lip butter that smells like caramel cream. Need I say more? I use this every night without fail. It does leave a very, very light whitish film {which is so slight I haven't really noticed until an Instagram friend shared with me} but for my bedtime routine, it doesn't pose a problem at all.
Has anyone tried any of these products? How did it work for you?
*Products marked with an *asterisk are PR samples I received. However, my opinions are honest and uninfluenced!

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