Politics Magazine

Culpability Defined

Posted on the 16 March 2019 by Steveawiggins @stawiggins

What seems to be lacking in the United States government is any realization that actions have consequences.While in Christchurch, New Zealand at least 49 people have been murdered only for being Muslim, Trump feels that tweeting “heartfelt” condolences somehow exculpates him from fostering an atmosphere of hatred.Indeed, the main shooter in that travesty cited Trump as an inspiration.The sickening lack of awareness that deeds have consequences has once again led to a body count.Meanwhile in these states the Republican Party refuses to condemn the daily and consistent message of racism coming from an edifice that is more and more appropriately called the “White House.”Do you have to pull the trigger to be guilty?History will decide.

Politics has always been a crooked game, but until 2016 most elected to the highest office—God help us, even George W. Bush—realized that the office had responsibility associated with it.It wasn’t a place you could play loose and easy and tweet from the hip and think it was your right as “just another citizen.”Muslims have been part of American culture from very nearly the beginning of this experiment in colonialism.Freedom of religion was one of the pillars of democracy that Trump has been chopping down like a cherry tree while tweeting “No I didn’t.”The GOP applauds.Here’s how to instill one religion as the norm, not considering the consequences.  Massacres in the name of Christ don’t make you Christian.  Not cutting history class should be a requirement to run for elected office.Or at least taking basic civics.Instead we have a government that refuses to recognize that it can inspire murderers around the globe and then offer heartfelt condolences with no apologies.

Culpability Defined

Where is the condemnation of racism?Where is the line between black and white?Where is the sense of any culpability for creating and sustaining the warm, moist environment where the bacteria of hatred thrives?When you awake to the news that yet another white supremacist has taken inspiration from an angry white man who has nothing to be angry about and has consecrated murder as patriotism how can you look the world in the eye?Hiding behind a tweet does not bring back the dead.How do we get the message through?Millions of us have repeatedly marched in protest.We flipped one house of congress and we daily sign petitions until our fingers bleed but no response comes from those who won by a mere technicality.If there are indeed ghosts in this world there will be mass immigration and it shall be richly deserved.

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