Fashion Magazine

Critical Cycles

By Lostindrawers @lostindrawers

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I’ve waited patiently for this little beauty of a dutch style bicycle to come to my door, checking the windows constantly every time the FedEx truck drove by our new little house. And she (yes, she) finally arrived today! I sold my not-that-old bike that I had customized to a very kind and chic girl a few weekends ago. So, it was time to finally find my own dutch style bicycle I have been dreaming of for a long while. I was fortunate to find it at Critical Cycles. And I love it! Love, love, love it! The dutch style of bicycle is really cool and practical, with a step through frame and upright position, which is a must for any of us who don’t ride clothed in too much spandex. We added Emory’s basket, and I am sure my husband will think of a thousand ways we can make this bike even more my style. Quite the pick-me-up that was much needed after this long week!

And nothing ends a post like a little Emory Holden action. We HAD to get these Mickey Mouse shirts at Petsmart, if we didn’t purchase them it would have been a crime against nature, I tellz ya!

Filed under: adventures, bicycles, Emory, fashion, Fort Worth, Inspiration, lifestyle, lostindrawersvintage, our life, out and about, Style, Styling Tagged: adventures, bicycles, fashion, fort worth, our life, style, vintage

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