Art & Design Magazine

Coming Soon: A Brand New Madalynne

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

new madalynne screenshot Coming Soon: A Brand New Madalynne

Over the past 6 months, I’ve been working to completely redesign Madalynne, turning it into more of a business and less of a hobby blog. I started blogging 8 years ago and let me tell you, I was as an awful fashion blogger! Let’s all take a moment to poke fun at my very first site on Chanel, Etsy picks of the week, and the original wayfarers – I published cheesy and godawfully cliché posts. It took me 6 years to shift the focus of Madalynne to my true passion – sewing. Since then, I have grown up and grown out of my current blog design. That’s okay; it’s just a naturally part of evolving. So above, I give you a sneak peek of the new layout. A large chunk will feature my photography. In the image above, the notions surrounding the page are vintage sewing trinkets, doodads and doohickeys I have collected. They also inspired my Instagram series #thewaysewingusedtobe. The new Madalynne will also have pages dedicated solely to sewing lessons, sewing workshops, photography services and my one-day-published book. What I’m most excited about though is my shop on Society 6, where you can purchase my sewing-inspired prints and t-shirts to wear or to decorate your sewing spaces! I’ll give you more details on that in another post.

I’ll leave it at that until the launch, which will be very, very soon. Stay tuned! I’m excited!

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