Destinations Magazine

Colts At Koeflach And Culinary Creations By Superb Chefs

By Linda
Blue venetian lampshade

photo : Tanakawho

September is a superb month to visit Styria and see the colts at Kœflach and enjoy the culinary creations of some of Steiermark’s superb chefs.


Sitting at the foot of the Stubalpe mountain in Styria, is the small city of Kœflach. Traditionally a coal-mining town and now the center of the service sector, it is home to 2 of Steiermark’s most prestigious enterprises – the Bundesgestüt Piber and Stölzle Oberglas.

At Piber castle you will find the Federal Stud where Lipizzan horses are bred and prepared for performance with the world famous Viennese Spanish Riding School. You can find out more about these beautiful beasts by reading about their  flight to the hills during the throes of war; their life at the stud; and their mother’s pride.

Stölzle Oberglas originates from an ancient company founded in 1835, when 2 glass factories joined together to make crystal tableware, artistic glass creations and Fadengläser – Rococo glasses in the Venetian style – which I think means very fancy and etched!

A Head Office was opened at Kœflach in 1871, but the company suffered severely following WWΙ. Gradually it regained its foothold in the market and became well-known for the production of art deco glassware, mainly through the purchase of a Hungarian glass making company specialising in such things.

In 1978 Stölzle merged with Oberglas Glass to become Stölzle Oberglas. The business’s main products are now for the pharmaceutical and medical industries; bottles for spirits and liquors; and decorative decanters for perfumes. It has offices and operations in a number of European countries. See the company website for more interesting information about Stölzle Oberglas.

Lipizzaner horses and carriage

photo : Spanische Hofreitschule – Bundesgestut Piber

Colts at Kœflach

The 8th of September is an important date for your diary. It is the day the Lipizzan colts return from their summer sojourn in the high alpine pastures. Amid much merriment and a most colourful parade, the return of the colts will be celebrated from 13:30 in the city center.

And Piber castle will be the venue for a lot more fun and frolics as the colts make their way home. You can visit them at the stud farm and get to know everything about the lives of the young colts on the mountain from 09:00.

See the Federal Stud website for more information about the horses and activities at the castle.


On September 22nd, the second annual Lipizzanerkulinarium will take place at Piber castle. Traditional Styrian fayre prepared by many of the province’s top wine growers and master chefs will be served in the decorated courtyard of this ancient fortification.

The funtastic affair will start at 13:00 with a parade of the Lipizzaner horses. A performance of the artistry and athleticism of these amazing animals (and their riders) will take place, before the culinary creations of the chefs are devoured by delighted diners at 17:00.

All proceeds from this prestigious event go to the preservation of the Lipizzaner horses at Piber. So book your seat for a serving at the princely performance of both horses, riders and chefs by contacting the (email) [email protected] now!

Chalet Lowonahill is an ideal base for your Austrian alpine holiday and visiting the wonderful world of Lipizzaner horses at Piber castle, Steiermark. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information and to book your holiday in super Styria.

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