Fashion Magazine

Collect Moments

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
collect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentscollect momentsThe morning of January 1st was freezing cold, extra crisp, and that stunning blue-grey that only Washington produces. I woke up slow; sleepy eyes attempting to take in the soft sunshine. It was my last day before returning to work, the first day of a new year, and the first sun we'd seen in (what felt like) weeks. Evan said to me "let's go on a little road trip". We spent the next five hours driving around in tiny little towns, under towering mountains, through tunnels of snow-heaped Evergreens. We wound around rivers, ambled past grazing horses, ignored "private property" signs. We stopped often, to breathe in and to look and to photograph. At times we were quiet except for exclamations at the beauty of our surroundings, at times we chattered away like you do when you're young and your love is new. It was my favorite day of the year, so far. 
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