Art & Design Magazine

Clothing/Accessories 8 [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]

By Shattman
  This posting completes my women’s orange shirts mini-series.  Berlin has many restaurants with outdoor seating. This young woman below seemed more intent on her writing than her food.
Clothing/Accessories 8      [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]
This attractive woman did not appreciate being photographed and she gave me a look of undisguised displeasure. I paid it no mind since she is my wife, and I am accustomed to
Clothing/Accessories 8      [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]
This couple was aboard a ferry returning to Berlin on the Wannsee. Here I hit an OYGIF 'Trifecta': orange shirt, hat and sign.
Clothing/Accessories 8      [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]
I met this charming sister at the Rochester Public Market. We had a lively conversation, which culminated in her allowing me to take some head shots. I am pleased that this one nicely reflects her intelligence and her lovely disposition.
Clothing/Accessories 8      [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]
As a transition to the men’s mini-series, starting next week, the bottom image has both a man and a woman in orange. This was not a Photoshop trick -- what you see is what I shot. Is he thinking, would you put that damn phone down?
Clothing/Accessories 8      [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]

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