Lifestyle Magazine

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1

Closet confessions...........mmmm, let me think...- honestly if my closet could speak for itself, it would go on unceasingly. As a fashion blogger, it is expected of me to have a flawless, well-organized and equipped closet that has all the essentials that any fashionista would need. Truth be told: this is not the case, I have a few basics missing and a few unwanted items in excess. So, let me cut to the chase, and allow me to make a few confessions on behalf of my ever-expanding closet.

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

First - I don't have the basics that holds any closet together. I don't own basic tank tops, nude/skin color tights, body shaper and crew neck T-shirts to name a few. Reason for not owning these- I feel constrained in tank tops and in body shapers as well. I understand that for any outfit to look flawless, you need to have an overall body shaper, but truthfully, I dread the sight and thought of these tight, body-hugging, man-made materials.

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

Second - I don't own a single pair of black trousers, just the pair of black leggings I am wearing and only if they are considered as black trousers. I didn't own an LBD ( little black dress ) until a couple years ago when I started working at a proper office with a dress code and realized how versatile an LBD could be. Anyways, these 2 are considered to be the wardrobe builders and unfortunately- I don't own the former. I have previously and publicly announced of my flat butt, and this always comes in my way of finding a form-fitting, hip-hugging trouser. All these years, every time I have stepped into a store with the purpose of buying trousers, I have always found myself lost and failed. Hence, yours truly lacks the basic black trouser.

Third- RED is the only primary color that seems to be missing from my closet, blue being the prevalent one. I have always been apprehensive about red on me, and have had a hard time finding the right shade of red. The only red thing in my closet is this red blazer, a bunch of red lipsticks and soon will be added to my closet. I definitely need to work on this color-inhibition cuz red looks flattering on every skin tone and there is a shade of red for everyone.

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

Fourth - My penchant for silk has landed me with a closet full of feminine silk shirts, tops, swing jackets and also a bunch of silky scarfs. Dressing up silk in summer can be a bit of a challenge with all the underarm sweating and staining, but I can now handle challenges well. Rolling up the sleeves of a button-down or wearing swing jackets belted as shirts can work the trick pretty much for everyone and there is no stain that a good antiperspirant can not keep at bay. At least it does for me..!!!

Last - I own about 25 pairs of jeans in several styles and hues, but only 2-3 of the entire bunch see the light as much. My flat butt being the problem area makes me less interested in the ones that don't do much to help in my back department. It is time I get rid of the unflattering ones and make room for new ones like and those that at least give the illusion of fullness.

These are some of my closet confessions. Do you have any? Would love to hear from you all..

Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

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Closet Confessions Of A Fashion Blogger

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