Hair & Beauty Magazine

Ciate Mini Mani Month - 10 December 2013 - Reveal & Candy Floss

By Makeupguineapig @MakeUpGuineaPig
It's snowing buckets outside which has ruined my morning…and possibly my day. Sure, it's pretty, but I have things that need doing and I can't do them! Grrrrr!!! :) Anyway, let's see if the Advent Calendar can cheer me up!
Ciate Mini Mani Month - 10 December 2013 - Reveal & Candy Floss
Ciate Mini Mani Month - 10 December 2013 - Reveal & Candy Floss
I wish that the quote made me feel better this morning! :) Things certainly could be worse though.
Ciate Mini Mani Month - 10 December 2013 - Reveal & Candy Floss
Today's polish is a nice gray called "Pillow Fight." I like greys, so I like this polish! :) And it's not pink!!! Kind of suits my mood today as well. :) 
Ciate Mini Mani Month - 10 December 2013 - Reveal & Candy Floss
As for yesterday's "Candy Floss," it's not really my kind of color. It's pretty, just too girly pink for me. The formula was almost opaque in 1 coat this time, but I added a 2nd just to make sure it was completely streak-free. Lovely formula; not my favorite color. It's a nice pop of color on this dreary day though! :) And again, I apologize for the massive hang nails everywhere.
Ciate Mini Mani Month - 10 December 2013 - Reveal & Candy Floss
 Hope you enjoyed this! Don't miss my Ipsy unboxing (November edition) as well. It's super late, I know. Things happen! :) Until later, thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed!!! :)

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