Hair & Beauty Magazine

Christmas Nail Art – Penguin

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Day 3 #Bigblogmasproject2014


Hey there,

Over the past month in work we have been doing lots of nail art designs in preparation for Christmas, my favorite has to be the Penguin, so as you can imagine, as soon as Monday came around, I was getting my nail art pens out and going a little festive crazy.

I’ve always been a fan of glitter nails, but seeing as it is Christmas there’s an excuse to go a little more OTT, as you can see from my gold nails. I was tempted to have a Snowman, Gingerbread man, Santa, Penguin and all, but I was limited for time, so the Penguin it was.

Here is a little Penguin tutorial for you, (It is a lot easier than it looks)…


1- Paint the nail white.

2 – Outline the nail with a black polish, using either a black nail art pen, or a dotting tool.

3 – Do a black line across the nail, about a third of the way down, to separate the penguins face from its body.

4 – Using a dotting tool, (If you don’t have a dotting tool, use the round end of a hair pin) and dot two eyes in the smaller white part of the Penguin.

5 – Using an orange, or gold nail polish, give the Penguin a beak by drawing a V under its eyes.

6 – Using the same color as above, draw the penguins feet at the bottom of the nail, a V shape, or circle will work.

7 – To finish the Penguin off, give it a scarf by adding some color just under the black line. I opted for a striped one, using a dotting tool for each color.

What will you be wearing on your nails this Christmas? Let me know if you give this Penguin a go…

Lots of love,


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