Current Magazine

Cheeky Update

By Coupleofidiots @coupleofidiots

So, Steve and I have not blogged in about a month so this is a little post to explain a few reasons why and a bit of a promise that we'll be back to it as soon as we can be!
As you probably well know, it is exam period so Steve and I are currently trying to revise as much as we can which means that blogging has to be put down to a minimum at the moment.
In addition to this, we've had a few problems with some flat mates so we've been arranging to move and stuff like that!
We've also got two new additions to our lives, Tango and Cash our baby hamsters! And we shall be moving into our house in June right after exams!
So we'll be back to blogging once a week each right after exams finish on May 24th and we may even be beginning some cheeky video blogging also so look out for that!
Muchos love, and sorry for being so rubbish lately!
We'll be back verrrrry soon
Cheeky update

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