Philosophy Magazine

CFP: Annual BSPS Conference at Exeter, 4-5 July 2013

By Wuthrich

The 2013 BSPS Annual Conference will take place on 4-5 July at the University of Exeter. The plenary speakers will be: Alison Gopnik, Sandra Mitchell, Huw Price and Alison Wylie.
Submissions for contributed papers are invited from anyone with a scholarly interest in the philosophy of science. Graduate students are particularly encouraged. Papers may be on any topic within the philosophy of science and should be suitable for presentation in 20 minutes, which will allow 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts in plain text of no more than 500 words should be received *no later than Friday February 1st 2013*. Abstracts will be refereed, and successful contributors notified during March or April.

Submissions instructions:
Abstract submission is being handled using the EasyChair conference management system. To submit your abstract, go to: (You will first need to create an EasyChair account.) Once logged in, select ‘New Submission’ and enter the requested information, including the title of your paper. Paste your abstract (in plain text, of no more than 500 words) into the Abstract box. In the ‘Upload Paper’ section beneath, tick the ‘Abstract Only’ box; do not upload a paper. Finally, select ‘Submit’.

Please note that this year it has not, unfortunately, been possible to arrange that the BSPS conference should take place immediately before the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association. (The Joint Session takes place the following week.)

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