Fashion Magazine

Celestial Hippy

By Bella @fashioncultblog
celestial hippycelestial hippycelestial hippycelestial hippycelestial hippycelestial hippy

These images make me wish it was summer. I admire this hippy style so much it just looks so effortless and dare i say it 'cool'. I feel the need to go and stock up on silver rings, floaty kimonos, and scarf headbands. I've recently really got into the whole celestial thing, just Google the word 'celestial' and everything that comes up is so dreamy- purples + blues intertwined, moon and star prints, fantasy creatures its wacky and weird but i really like it! I'm going to do another post on either: celestial/hippy style clothes available online inspired from the images above or an outfit post in the style of this, ahh heck maybe i'll just do both.

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