Religion Magazine

Celebrate Good Times Com’on

By Familyfriends @familyfriends_

Wow, this summer has really been filled with many opportunities to celebrate. I graduated from my two year Leadership Academy in England, met new friends and was surprised with two high-class bachelorette parties! Friends waiting for their first child, friends that had their first child, friends celebrating engagement, friends who got their driver-license, nephew who learned how to swim and many sunny summer days!

I took a big step and moved to a new country, got a new job, visits from far traveled friends, spent time with my two favorite people, my grandpa and grandma, a long holiday, celebrated the wedding between two beautiful friends and of course the biggest celebration this year for me was my new name and the handsome husband that came with it.


I told you I had many opportunities to celebrate and looking back, it has been one of the greatest summers so far! Fantastic isn’t it? But it strikes me how easily I have embraced a new season in my life and left it somewhere behind. I have just got married a little over a month ago and it already feels ages ago and old news. I don’t know exactly how long I expected to feel “newly” married but longer than five weeks for sure. Although just because I don’t feel “newly” married, the fact is I still am, I just need to remind myself of the truth and not base it on my feelings. Tonight my husband and I are going to watch our wedding video for the first time to remind ourselves what happened all those weeks ago. I must say that I’m really looking forward to celebrating that day again!

If you have been married for more than five weeks maybe you have felt the same, something that was a big life changing moment for you, now feels now like it never happened. I would encourage you to go back to that day, that memory, whatever it might be and celebrate it again! Not just a small celebration, throw a party! Buy yourself a present, bake a cake! CEEELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COM’ON

Remember there is no limit of how many times you can celebrate something! My twelfth driver license anniversary is coming up, hmm maybe that’s something I should celebrate, I wonder who I shall invite to the party…..

Enjoy your day!

God bless / Liza Piaget ‘just married’


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