Lifestyle Magazine

Cantaloop C Section Briefs

By Catty212
Anyone who has had a baby will tell you that comfortable pants are a must, regardless of how you've had your baby. Sexy knickers during the postpartum period will be the last thing on your mind!
Pre C section I bought a few packets of cotton belly hugger pants from Debenhams, I knew I'd need something that would fit right up over my tummy the last thing I wanted was something that would press on or irritate the tender area.
Having tried the Cantaloop Nursing tank top previously and being massively impressed I was very excited when I was sent the Cantaloop C-section Briefs to try.
Cantaloop C Section Briefs
The briefs are safe to wear straight after a c-section as they are smooth and silky and won't catch on your stitches. They are quite expensive, costing £26 a pair, but they literally are the most comfortable thing you will wear post surgery.
You can buy them in either black or white and the sizes range from small to extra large.
The briefs are very comfortable, supportive, and they make your stomach and hips look a lot ore streamline without making you sore or rubbing on your scar.
Cantaloop C Section Briefs
The best bits: 
They are soft and smooth with no rubbing seams or stitching to catch on your stitches or scar.
The waistband is really high, doesn't roll down or dig in and the pull your stomach in too.
They are very supportive and would be great for the early days after a c section when you feel very vulnerable, there's nothing worse than that awful feeling when you laugh or sneeze and it feels like your internal organs are going to drop out!

*I was sent the item free of charge to review*

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