Books Magazine

Canal Pushers by @AndyGriffee

By Pamelascott

Jack Johnson, newly divorced ex-journalist with a talent for trouble, takes a stranger on board his new narrow boat ... and is soon caught up in a hunt for a serial killer, tangling with organised crime and on the run from the media. New crime thriller series perfect for fans of Dick Francis.

Canal Pushers by @AndyGriffee


[The lone fisherman sat on a sturdy plastic box that was covered by the rainproof cloak that had draped down around him]


(@OrphansPublish, 2 May 2019, 400 pages, e-book, copy from @annecater and voluntarily reviewed, #BlogTour 10 June via #RandomThingsTours)



This is a thriller unlike anything I've read before. Most books feature a detective who investigates the crime. Now and again a writer comes up with something a little different and that's what we have here. Jack is an investigative journalist come amateur detective. The setting of this book makes it stand out, canals and waterways with Jack living on a narrowboat. I really loved this bit about the book. I read the sequel, River Rats at the same time which was a bit strange as the second book hints at events in this book that I hadn't read yet. There are chapters shown from the POV of the serial killer which work really well and add suspense and intrigue. Jack's a great character, a complete mess. Nina is also a great character, secretive and mysterious. They make a good team. I loved every word of this.

Canal Pushers by @AndyGriffee

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