
Can You Trust Your Boyfriend?

Posted on the 17 January 2021 by Latoya @latoyallawrence

This is what the LORD says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD. -Jeremiah 17:5

The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” -Jeremiah 17:9-10

Can You Trust Your Boyfriend?

I loved to read ever since I was a youngster. My mother used to buy me different kinds of books all the time whenever I was interested in something.
She’d even bring me literature as she thought of me while she would be out running on an errand here and there.
This was one of the things my mother loved about me- my knowledge, my quest for knowledge, and my discernment. It is also something I loved very much about my mother too. She was a very smart and intelligent woman for all the years I had grown up with her.
As a teen, I read quite a few magazines out of curiosity and to keep up with my observant nature. Although I wasn’t a part of the world spiritually, I was aware of everything around me and of what was going on in the world. God had blessed me that way.
Even though I did not live my life within the tendency of mainstream society and was not inspired by what motivated the majority It did not stop me from delving into the pages and media of various lifestyles and experiences.
I think I was about fourteen or fifteen when I read an article in “Seventeen” magazine. The story was about a teenager who had contracted the herpes virus. I do not remember every detail word for word but I do recall very clearly the situation.
The girl was ashamed, consumed with guilt, and worried about how to tell her boyfriend about her venereal disease. So, one day she came out and told him and he responded in a way she did not expect.
Her boyfriend told her something like, “Don’t worry about it. It’s okay, I still love you.
The teen was surprised and felt relieved that her boyfriend was understanding of her circumstance. To have possibly spread herpes to him through contracting the virus from a past relationship to how he would react to her revealing this information to him was pure torture for her.
As some time passed, the teen girl had one day visited her boyfriend and looked into the medicine cabinet of his bathroom when she spotted a prescription bottle. The bottle had been prescribed for her boyfriend in the treatment of the herpes virus. This is the moment by a chance encounter that she discovered it was him who had given her the disease to begin with.
Her boyfriend knew all along that he had genital herpes. Yet, he pretended, and allowed his girlfriend to believe she put him at risk when he was the one to pass it on to her.
I read from the pages of books, viewed from the scenes of media, and even witnessed from people all around me the deep/heavy accounts of what unfavorably touched their lives at an early age. It played a part in my forewarning of the world, and just how contaminated it really is.
God speaks to us within so many ways to alert, teach, guide, and protect his children from the vile lures and traps of society.

But as for your gods, see if you can find them, and let the person who has taken them die! And if you find anything else that belongs to you, identify it before all these relatives of ours, and I will give it back!” But Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen the household idols. -Genesis 31:32

Laban went first into Jacob’s tent to search there, then into Leah’s, and then the tents of the two servant wives—but he found nothing. Finally, he went into Rachel’s tent. But Rachel had taken the household idols and hidden them in her camel saddle, and now she was sitting on them. When Laban had thoroughly searched her tent without finding them, she said to her father, “Please, sir, forgive me if I don’t get up for you. I’m having my monthly period.” So Laban continued his search, but he could not find the household idols. Genesis 31:33-35

Can You Trust Your Boyfriend?

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