Life Coach Magazine

Can Massage Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren
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Can Massage Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps can affect women of all ages, and they can definitely get in the way of everyday life, including work, school, holidays, and family time, especially when they are severe. And while you can certainly take over-the-counter pain relievers to get rid of your cramping, there are also several more natural and holistic remedies that you can try.

You may have heard that massage can help relieve your menstrual cramps, but is this really true? Continue reading to learn more about how you can use this method to get the relief you need.

Start in a Calm Atmosphere

To make the most of massage, it should be done in a quiet and peaceful place where you can truly relax and calm your body and your mind. While you can certainly use self-massage techniques to give yourself relief on the spot, you can also opt to go to a professional massage therapist who uses high-quality tools from companies like Therapy Essentials.

Use Calming Essential Oils

The use of essential oils and fragrances can also help you ground yourself and calm your entire being. A great choice is lavender, which has been shown to reduce pain significantly in a study. But if you are not a big fan of the scent of lavender, you can also opt for something like vanilla or any other fragrance that you feel will help you fully relax.

Give Yourself a Gentle Massage

Once you have rubbed the essential oil of your choice between your palms, you can then begin using your warm hands to gently massage your abdominal area. You can even start really slowly by simply placing your hands onto your belly and breathing deeply in and out.

Can Massage Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps

When you are ready, start to move your palms slowly around your belly button. Moving in small circular motions in a clockwise direction (so that you are moving in the natural direction of your digestion) is a good way to start, but you can also apply a little bit of pressure for only about one minute if you feel that it will not be too painful or uncomfortable to do so. This is because the area that surrounds your belly button actually has several acupressure points that could help with the relieving of menstrual cramps naturally.

Add Moist Heat

A heating pad that provides moist heat is a great addition to your self-massage. You can apply it directly to your belly before or after massaging yourself, or you can instead place it underneath your back and lie down on a soft bed to let the heat penetrate from your back into your body.

Now that you know that massage can help reduce the pain that is associated with your menstrual cramps, you can use this as yet another tool whenever you find that other methods are not helping. A combination of over-the-counter medications, massage, essential fragrances, deep breathing, and exercise can do wonders at keeping your body in motion and pain-free while you are menstruating.

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