Parties Magazine

Can I Have This?: Epson LabelWorks LW-300

By Ctbas @ctbas

I saw what the Epson LabelWorks LW-300 Label Maker
could do when I went to the National Stationery Show and I wanted one right away. Sure it makes your standard labels, but it was the ribbons that were really impressive. You can print whatever you like on satin ribbons.


While you are limited to the color combinations that Epson makes, which is six right now, the fact that you can whip up a personalized ribbon in seconds is pretty awesome.


Think of all the things you could use them for–goodie bags, gifts, party decorations, greeting cards, invitations.

Disclaimer: I received a LabelWorks kit to review for my other job, but I think it’s so fantastic that I had to post about it here.

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