Lifestyle Magazine

Calling Grandmother Even If She Can’t Hear Worth A Damn!

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita
Calling Grandmother Even If She Can’t Hear Worth A Damn!

So yesterday I called my Grandmother. You remember me telling you about her? If not you can read that post here: She will be 100 before the end of the year. She lives in one of those assisted living homes and seems to like it there. Right now is kinda tough because they are quarantined to their rooms due to Covid still. We can’t visit but we can call.

She also can’t hear very well. So you can imagine how these calls go. Lots of yelling. Usually I call her and she says, “Well hello Shelly” (that’s my cousin).

Then I have to yell that no It’s MISSY! Then she might say “whatever”. She tells me all is good and the food is good and to call her when I can visit. Then she pretty much says bye.

Please don’t let me go deaf in my last years. I already can’t hear too well in one ear. Or maybe I’m just unconsciously ignoring people. It’s possible.

My grandmother sometimes throws in a “You know your mom and Mike (my mom’s twin) left me here to die but I’m going to out live them all!” lol Funny thing is, she just may out live them. They turn 80 this year.

Such a weird time right now not being able to visit my grandmother. I hope she lives long enough for me to visit again. I love to hear the stories of her childhood. She can’t remember what she had for lunch but she can remember the good times she had even during the Great Depression. She is definitely an optimist!

So call your parents and grandparents if you still have them. Learn their stories to pass on.


Peace Love and Margaritas


Calling Grandmother Even If She Can’t Hear Worth A Damn!

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