Debate Magazine

California Requires Microstamping Guns

Posted on the 21 May 2013 by Mikeb302000
An example of a microstamp on a bullet case.
An example of a microstamp on a bullet case.
Herald Net

A California law that requires all semi-automatic handguns to be equipped with technology that stamps its identifying information on bullet casings is now in effect after years of delays.
Though signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2007, the law couldn't take effect as it was supposed to in 2010 because of patents on the technology, including at least one that had been bought up by a gun rights group to delay the law's implementation.
On Friday, Attorney General Kamala Harris officially certified and announced that patents were no longer an issue. Former state Assemblyman Mike Feuer, who authored the law, hailed it as a "monumental day for law enforcement" and said it was the first such law to go into effect in the nation. Other states, notably New York, have looked at such a law, but have had troubles getting it passed.
"This very important technology will help us as law enforcement in identifying and locating people who improperly and illegally use and discharge firearms," Harris said.

Critics say this is a de facto ban on new firearms.  What's your opinion?
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