Debate Magazine

California History Teacher Poses as Trayvon Martin in Yearbook Photo, with Hoodie and Skittles

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

high school

NY Daily News: A California history teacher has stirred up controversy by posing for a yearbook photo as Trayvon Martin.

Spencer Smith, who’s taught at Brentwood’s Heritage High School for several years, dressed up as the slain Florida teen for the snap. He donned a pulled-down hoodie and held a bag of Skittles candy in his left hand to make the political statement.

It’s unclear exactly why Smith decided to pose as the tragic teenager gunned down by neighborhood watch coordinator George Zimmerman in 2012.

But reactions to his picture have been mixed.

Alfreda Charway, the high school’s Black Student Union President, said it was “a good idea because he’s expressing himself.” “Because that’s the whole point of yearbook pictures, you’re supposed to express yourself,” Charway told KTVU.

Sophomore Amber McKim thought it was “ok that he did it, just not in the yearbook.”

Parents, however, thought it was “inappropriate.” One mom, who didn’t want to be named, said: “This is supposed to be capturing the best moments of the year. And all positive things.”

Zimmerman, tried for murdering Martin last summer, was acquitted in the racially charged case.

Smith has not commented on the picture. The school’s principal said he would investigate the issue before releasing a statement.


Gee, I wonder why he didn’t post like this?


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