Family Magazine

By the Numbers

By Daisyjd

Five- the number of cheeses B and I ate for our date-night-in on Friday (along with assorted cured meats, bread and some wine)

Three – the number of nights I stayed up past 11 chatting with family that was in town (Monday morning was a rude, rude awakening)

Two- the number of mornings Gracie woke up early despite her parents staying up late (Ok fine, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning were rude awakenings)

Two- the number of times we ate Vietnamese for dinner (B and I had it by ourselves on Saturday, and my family decided it sounded so awesome that when we all had dinner on Sunday it was an obvious choice)

One- the number of huge, huge bruises I gave myself loading Gracie into the car in an unfortunate accident involving a stroller and a heavy bag looped around the handle

Zero Zero- the kind of flour I bought at Eataly, with which we will make homemade pasta dough – very excited

Two and a Half- the number of stars I gave American Hustle. I certainly enjoyed the plot and the cast, but it didn’t seem all that Oscar-worthy to me

One Million- the number of times I read any of Gracie’s Titus Bear books, Is Your Mama a Llama, and Brown Bear Brown Bear

Zero- the number of times I think about using our Wii/Amazon Prime streaming because despite having streaming enabled/prime membership, it always shows the supposedly “free” streaming shows as purchase only

Five Hundred- the number of times Gracie emptied her animals out of her Brio Toddler Wobble and sat in it and tried to make it zoom around the living room

Twelve- the number of laps we walked around a suburban track in a charity walk on Sunday, where thoroughly enjoyed herself and all of the attention

Two- the number of trips to Costco I’ve made in the past two days, after discovering the Schaumburg Coscto stocks basically nothing we buy on a regular basis

Two- the number of trips to Trader Joes we had to make, again, why is nothing in stock?

Eleventy Billion- the number of times I wanted to set up Gracie’s water table, only to realize, nope, not warm enough

Eighty- the predicted high temperature later this week, I CANNOT WAIT


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