Animals & Wildlife Magazine


By Probestpest @ProBestPest


Liberty Wildlife We recently moved into a newly built facility and had a few problems with rodents. Due to the nature of our business wildlife care we constantly strive to hatch, protect and raise wildlife. Rather than use bait we use the rodent station with snap traps to stop rodents from entering our buildings and cages and to protect all of our resident’s birds/animals/wildlife. We recently encountered a breech in our building and have sealed it, we then decided to address the numerous holes from rodents on our property. ProBest Pest Management brought to our attention the BurrowRX system and I must say it exceeded our expectations. No residual and no mess, the carbon monoxide kills the rodents and they stay put under the ground. No effect on our animals, wildlife or birds. We absolutely hate having to eliminate the rodents, but this system is humane and free from harmful chemicals or rodenticide secondary poisoning. ProBest Pest Management has always been on the cutting edge of the newest methods in pest/rodent eradication and have done most of the work pro bono over the years because of our status as a non-profit. ProBest has brought us birds that have been hit and helped to move a nesting Barn Owl with eggs. We highly recommend their service, they are top notch and are true Pest Management Professionals and they are QualityPro certified with 2 Associate Certified Entomologist on staff. 2 Talons up for their excellent service since 2011, my Staff and I use them and highly recommend their service. Terry Stevens Director Liberty Wildlife

Burrows The BurrowRx system is a unique system for eradicating varmints and rodents. Just insert the tube device into their holes and the carbon monoxide will kill them humanely.

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