Books Magazine

Burning Bright by E.J. Stevens: Spotlight with Review

By Lauriej
Burning Bright by E.J. Stevens: Spotlight with Review 
Burning Bright by E.J. Stevens: Spotlight with ReviewBurning Bright (Ivy Granger #3) by E.J. Stevens
Burning down the house...
Things are not going well at the offices of Private Eye. Jinx is having demon problems, the city is overrun with pyromaniacal imps, and Ivy's wisp powers are burning out of control, attracting the attention of both the Seelie and Unseelie courts.
Along came a faerie queen... It's the worst possible time for the Green Lady to call in a favor, but Ivy's bound by her deal with the glaistig. Too bad there's no wiggle room in faerie bargains.
Ivy must rid the city of imps, keep Jinx from murdering her one solid link to Hell, and fulfill her bargain with the Green Lady--with sidhe assassins hot on her tail.
Just another day's work for Ivy Granger, psychic detective.
Release Date: June 17, 2014
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
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Previous books in this series:
Shadow Sight (Ivy Granger #1), Blood and Mistletoe (Ivy Granger #1.5), Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2) Club Nexus (Ivy Granger #2.5).
MY REVIEW Burning Bright

5 Stars

Ivy is up to her neck in trouble!  Harborsmouth is under attack, and Ivy has promises to keep. The stakes rise as she becomes embroiled in a multitude of seemingly unrelated urgent problems.  Worse yet, she is having difficulty masking her own growing Fae powers which may have dire circumstances since secrecy is paramount.
EJ Continues to entertain and astonish with her imaginative world-building.  The supporting characters are endearing and wildly diverse!  Even the villains have strong motivations and are multi-faceted.  The action is fast-paced as Ivy continues to grow into her powers, forming new alliances, safeguarding her city and her friends, and juggling her many responsibilities.  Ivy is a fascinating character whose growth and depth of personality continues to get better and better.
This book was given to me in exchange for my honest review.
Reviewed by Laurie-J
Burning Bright by E.J. Stevens: Spotlight with ReviewMY REVIEW Club Nexus
5 Stars

Four short stories, each of which revolves around the same event but is told from a different perspective. A decidedly darker glimpse at the supernatural underbelly of Harborsmouth, this collection is well-thought out.  Each story stands fine on its own, but when interwoven with the others gives the reader an experience that is uniquely entertaining. It is also a perfect lead-in to Burning Bright. Experience the romance, humor, and danger at Club Nexus! 

This book was given to me in exchange for my honest review.
Reviewed by Laurie-j


When E.J. isn't at her writing desk she enjoys dancing along seaside cliffs, singing in graveyards, and sleeping in faerie circles. She currently resides in a magical forest on the coast of Maine where she finds daily inspiration for her writing.
E.J. Stevens
Author of the Spirit Guide and Ivy Granger series
Ivy Granger Series / Spirit Guide Series / Goodreads / Amazon / Twitter / Blog

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