Hair & Beauty Magazine

Bundle Monster Stamping with a Touch of Holo

By Pinkandpolished
It's time for some more stamping!

I have to admit when I told you guys in one of my previous posts that I was going to go through all of the Bundle Monster 2013 CYO plates I thought it was going to be a LOT easier. I was wrong. Trying to use every single image is proving to be difficult. Some images I just really don't like, but I'm doing my best not to skip out on anything so I'll make it through eventually ;) But today I've got a design that I do like! It's a tribal-esque, simple triangle / line combo image.I started with a base of Color Club Eternal Beauty. When it was dry I stamped over it using Bundle Monster's plate BM-402 and Sally Hansen Silver Sweep. I sealed it all in with Essie Good To Go and the design was finished.

Bundle Monster Stamping with a touch of Holo
Bundle Monster Stamping with a touch of Holo
Bundle Monster Stamping with a touch of Holo
I really enjoyed this simple image and the silver / purple color combination. Simple yes, but beautiful too. Though I do have to say trying to get the lines straight across was such a pain in the butt!! ;)

Thanks loves :) 

Bundle Monster Stamping with a touch of Holo

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