Gadgets Magazine

Bulk Email Marketing – The Whys and Hows

Posted on the 25 February 2019 by Witselx9

Bulk email marketing might sound like an easy way to boost your brand's visibility in theory, but in reality, it's pretty tricky and delicate that could ruin your opportunity on the first go.

You see, preparing a bulk email campaign is not something you should take lightly as there is a chance it could end up as spam. But with the right planning mindset, it is possible to send a mass array of emails to your subscribers without coming off as a spammer.

Whether you're just starting out with bulk email marketing or want to make improvements to it, we've got just the right strategies that can help you do all that and more.

Ensure Everyone In Your Mailing List Is An Opt-In Subscriber

Bulk Email Marketing – The Whys and Hows

The first thing to do is to ensure everyone in your mailing list is an opt-in subscriber. This is so that you don't send unsolicited emails that would then label your business as spam. So in order to avoid that, you should stick to using opt-in subscriber lists. Also, forget about renting or buying mass email lists. You should also include an easy way for subscribers to opt out in every email you send, just in case any of them do not want to receive any more email messages from your brand.

Understand Email Marketing Regulations

Before sending out any bulk email messaging, you should be familiar with email marketing regulations. Without following spam guidelines as well as the laws of the countries to which you're sending those emails to, your bulk email marketing isn't going to go anywhere.

Choose your sending service

Bulk Email Marketing – The Whys and Hows

Sending bulk emails can cost you a bulk amount of your marketing budget. Suppose you are sending to 500,000 subscribers with Mail Chimp, it will cost you $2150/month. However, there are new tools in the market like MailBluster, which can make your email marketing astoundingly affordable.

Subject Line Should Be Simple Without Sounding Like Spam

Bulk Email Marketing – The Whys and Hows

Ensure that your email newsletter subject line is simple yet attractive. It must also about words that sound spammy. An email subject line is your chance to make a good first impression to connect with your subscribers. If you want your subscribers to be intrigued, you should use headings like "10 Ways To Boost Your Internet Speed" or "Best Cheap Car Insurance Tips." But be careful to avoid using words such as "Free" or "Cash" and make sure the title isn't in ALL CAPS. Studies have found that subject lines perform best when they are truthful and direct about what is in the mail. Your emails can have better open rates if you put in attractive details in the title, like a "25% off coupon".

Keep Your Emails Short And Sweet

In this day and age, time is of the essence. Therefore, you should focus on keeping most of your email messages short, sweet and to the point. Subscribers don't have the time to read long emails and likely skim through most of it to save on time. That's why you should stick to your most important points. And if you wish to include additional information, you can always add links to relevant online sources (like articles, blog posts or other information) so that subscribers can discover more information while also stay engaged.

Avoid Using Too Many Images Or Graphics

Images, graphics or even videos take up more of a computer's resources, which can cause the emails to load slowly and also cause display issues. So try to lessen the number of visual content in your emails. Also, there are subscribers who prevent images from being displayed, leaving nothing but whitespace in the end. Therefore, you should consider using a bulk mail marketing program that automatically creates a text-only version of your emails.

Add Call-To-Actions

Call to actions or CTAs can make your bulk mail campaign more effective. A CTA is something that encourages subscribers to take the action that you want them to, like making a purchase, or signing up for a webinar. Examples may include "Click to Sign Up" or a button that says "Purchase Now." it's a great idea to include these more than once in your email messages to help draw attention to it.

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