Lifestyle Magazine

Bored With Day Treks? Try These Night Treks Near Bangalore

By Wonderland57

mountain-climbing-978744_1280Bangalore is known for being the IT Hub of India. But what a lot of people do not know about the city is that it has numerous places of adventure in its vicinity. There are wildlife sanctuaries, hill stations and some of the most amazing trekking spots. These places are perfect for all the adventure lovers out there who are looking for something fun to do every other weekend.

If you stay in Bangalore and you search for trekking places near me, chances are you will get all the spots that are perfect for day treks. However, we decided to take it a notch further and tell you about all the best night trekking places near Bangalore that you must visit the next time you are craving some adventure.

  • Skandagiri Night Trek – this ancient mountain fortress is the perfect place for night trek lovers and for people who love bird watching and camping. Located merely 68 km from the city, this trek starts at the foothills of the Kalwara village near the Papagni Temple. This is great for people who are just starting out to trek as the route is relatively easier and is well marked along the way. It is roughly about 8 km and the view from the top of dense shrubs and pleasant greenery makes it worth the effort. It is ideal for trekking during the winter months. You can stay put at Bangalore outskirts resorts like Discovery Village while going to this trek as it is ideal for a night stay. There are activities within the resort that you can indulge in like cycling, camping, swimming, rappelling, karaoke night and bar-be-que near the bonfire. They offer customized packages for families and friends if that is something that you are interested in looking at.
  • Anthargange Night Trek – this trek is a blend of trekking, hiking, cave exploration and camping that will give you the ultimate adrenaline rush. There are huge rocks, thick dense forests, dark caverns and mysterious volcanic rock formations that makes it the perfect place to go for a trek. Light up a bonfire in one of the primeval caves and watch the most beautiful sunrise welcoming you as you make your way through the topography of the place. Visit the place once the monsoon passes and the cold nip sets in the air.
  • Nandi hills – the most famous weekend getaway for everyone who stays in Bangalore, this place is a hidden gem of the south. The trek here is one of the most picturesque that you will find in the area and is one that you must not miss out on. Nandi Hills trekking Bangalore is great for people who are just starting out to trek and want to try something that is easy and yet a little challenging at the same time. This place is the perfect blend of both. The view from the top is absolutely worth it and the sunrise at the end of it makes it all the more worth it. It is an ideal weekend getaway with the family where you can indulge in adventure activities at night and relax by the day.
  • Kunti Betta Night Trek – these two picturesque hills, surrounded by coconut trees, paddy fields, lush vegetation, and sugarcanes is a must-visit for adventure lovers. While trekking, you will pass through narrow gauged rocks and dense vegetation but the view of the valley and the Kunti Kund from the top will be worth it. This is great for people who are seeking an invigorating experience and are beginners to the world of trekking. Avoid going here during the monsoons as the rocks can get slippery and activities like swimming and kayaking can also be enjoyed. Amateurs and experts, both will enjoy this trek.
  • Savandurga Night Trek – this is one of the most challenging night treks near Bangalore as it takes you through generations of imperial history to the largest monolith in Asia. The monolith has two peaks known as ‘Biligudda’ and ‘Karigudda’ which also offers two different routes for trekkers. This trek is recommended only for experts as the boulders and steep slopes can be quite unpredictable, hence one needs to trek with utmost precaution with all the essential trekking gear in place. There are various sites along the way with ruins of forts along the way and the view of Arkavathi River and Manchanabele Dam from the top. It is recommended to trek here only during the winters so as to avoid the slippery moss during the monsoon or the scorching heat during the summer. This trek is 5 km long, though difficult, is worth it from the top.

These are some of the night trek options near Bangalore for adventure seekers!

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