Books Magazine

Bookworm #22

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
bookworm #22
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Wow, no bookworm post since August?! A rather sad sign of how going back to work in September really reduces my reading opportunities - I'm usually so tired by the time I hit the sack, I fall asleep in seconds. Anyway, I'm back in the game and have a few bookworm posts stocked up!First up, The Color Purple. I mentioned towards the end of last year how I was involved with Rosie's #bloggerbookswap and this was my first read from the lovely Amy. I'd heard lots about this book - it won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and was later made into a film directed by Steven Spielberg and staring a young Whoopie Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey. The book is written as a series of letters and centers around the main character Celie, who begins by writing to God detailing her life and times. Later in the book, the letters change from being written to God, to Celie's long-lost sister Nettie. In a general sense, this book focuses on the inferior position of Black Americans, sexuality, oppression and hardship - but isn't all doom and gloom. Although detailing very painful moments, it is also uplifting in places and you are really able to connect with Celie, and her troubles. Have you read The Color Purple? I've not seen the film, but its definitely on my 'must-see' list! 

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