Fashion Magazine

Bookworm #11

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
bookworm #11
50 Shades Trilogy by E.L. James
Ok, so I know the whole world and his wife (or should I say the whole world and her fella, in some cases!) has read at least the first of the 50 Shades books, and I too gave in pretty quickly. I bought the first one to take on holiday with me back in July, and raced through it quite quickly. I was even gutted that I hadn't bought the second one, so as soon as I got home I put an order in to Amazon sharpish. I thought the second one was also pretty good, and although by this point the ridiculous and unrealistic sex scenes were starting to drag, I put in an order for the third book.Now, let me just say what I thought about the books initially before I get on to the third. I was intrigued by the story behind Christian (Mr Grey himself) and why he had such control issues - I do love a good bit of psychological analysis of a character! I thought the story itself was fairly gripping, and wanted to find out more about both the characters and where the story was heading. As I said, the sexy bits started to get irritating for me after the first book. I mean, I think most people would agree with how unrealistic Anastasia turning into an overnight sex goddess was, and after a while I just skimmed through those scenes or skipped them entirely. Snooze. Now, the third book was billed to be the cherry on the top of the cake - filling in all the gaps and finally enlightening us as to why Christian was so f-ed up. For me, this book did not deliver. The 'revelations' were not as ground breaking as I expected and the little spin off action scenes seemed to have been added as an after thought, after the author realised the book had no substance. I really struggled to finish the book; it took me bloody ages and on several occasions I just went straight to bed without reading as I could not be bothered with it - very out of character for me! Overall, I thought these books started off pretty well but swiftly began to lose pace and substance. I hoped to enjoy them as I'd heard of parallels with the Twilight series (which I unashamedly love), and although you could argue there are similarities, these books were just verging on ridiculous. I finished the third thinking "really, is that it?". What did you think of the 50 Shades trilogy? bookworm #11

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