Hair & Beauty Magazine

Books For Christmas, What The Heck Is That?

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Day 5 #Bigblogmasproject


Hey There,

Back in primary school you couldn’t pull me away from my Phillip Pulman, or Jacqueline Wilson books. But now most people I know would be shocked to see me with one. This year I started reading the Hunger Games books, as I’ve been going on and on about getting back in to reading. I’m not quite at the stage where I would buy myself books to read, I need to encourage people to buy/lend me them, until I see it as more of ‘my thing’.

If you were to ask me what types of books I like to read…. I don’t have a clue. The Hunger Games 1 and 2, were pretty good, they were easy to read and had me gripped at stages, so gripped in fact, I sometimes skipped a couple pages to find out. I have a crazy imagination as it is, so I often find after reading books like the Hunger Games, I then dream about them…So many a night I think I am Katniss, and I’m not going to lie, these are more nightmares than dreams.

I’m about to venture on to the 3rd book. It has been gathering dust in my room for ages, but with the release of the third film, I thought I should pick it back up before going to watch it in the cinema. I think it may spoil the character images I have created in my head. So although this blogmas post should be more about the books I read, I’m going to make it also about the books you read. As I said I’m pretty much useless at choosing books to read let a lone reading them, so if you have any good suggestions, please comment below.

To explain my blog post title. a while a go I saw a YouTube video, of an America kid opening presents at Christmas, with various expensive gifts behind him, he opens up a present with books in, and says ‘Books for Christmas, what the heck is that’, it is rather funny. At his age I probably would of loved getting books from Santa.

What is on your reading list at the moment? What books would you recommend to me?

Lots of love and Happy Friday.


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