Books Magazine

Book Review: Paris in Love by Eloisa James

By Pamelascott


Paris in Love by Eloisa James
Nicholas Brealey Publishing (ebook), 2012
272 Pages

Author Website

Amazon (UK)

I borrowed this ebook from my library and read it on my Kobo.

In December 2007, my mother died of cancer; two weeks later I was diagnosed with the same disease.

This is a memoir of a year living in Paris by the best-selling romantic novelist. She sells her house, leaves her job as a Shakespeare professor and drags her husband and two children to Paris. Her actions are the result of a cancer diagnosis and grief.

I chose to read this for the ‘a non-fiction book’ category for my Popsugar Reading Challenge. I choose it because Paris is my favorite city in the world and Eloisa does what I wish I had the balls (and money) to do myself. I thought it would be nice to live vicariously through her and her family.

I thought Paris in Love was a delight to read. Paris in Love isn’t very deep and nothing too intense or dramatic happens. It’s a light, frivolous, fun and entertaining glimpse of living the high life in Paris. I savoured every word. Paris in Love isn’t really a memoir or a travel guide, it’s more a series of hundreds of little snapshots of a year James and her family spend in Paris after she has reconstructive breast surgery following a bout of cancer. There is very little reference to cancer or illness in Paris in Love It’s not one of those books. I could never afford to do any of the things James and her family do. It was a treat to live vicariously and luxuriously through someone else’s eyes for a little while and return to my favorite city in the world.



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