Books Magazine

Book Review: Easy Go

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive
Easy GoEasy Go by John Lange
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was surprised to spot this book in NetGalley. Michael Crichton is one of my favorite authors and I have read most of his books (at least those I managed to get my hands on). Easy Go is one of his earlier works and he uses a pseudonym -- John Lange. It is a very exciting story of an Egyptologist, Harold Barnaby who specializes in translating hieroglyphics.

During a stint in Egypt to work on translating receipts and other records -- meaning it was mundane work -- Barnaby came across a document which looked much like all the others until he tried to read it. The document was not making any sense and as Barnaby studied it, he discovered it was written in a very different manner -- it was in code. As he broke the code, he learns that there is a tomb out there that no one has discovered yet. This is his chance to make a name for himself as a discoverer of what is probably the last tomb.

Barnaby decides that he would have a brighter future if he went the unconventional route and "rob" the tomb. But he can't do it alone. He then makes contact with a writer named Robert Pierce. Robert decides to work with Barnaby and helps to build a "team" together. Lord Grover is their financier. Alan Conway is a very talented smuggler. Nikos Karagannis is a very high skilled thief. Then there is Lisa, Grover's assistant who decides to join them in their adventures. Together they look for the last undiscovered tomb of an Egyptian king.

John Lange (aka Michael Chrichton) writes a great tale. The story is exciting and is very entertaining as well.

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