Hair & Beauty Magazine

Bloggers Interview:

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90

hey everyone, this weeks interview is by the lovely rachael,
1.Tell Me A bit About Yourself?: Hi I'm Rachael and I'm a mid twenty Yorkshire gal now living in the US after moving to be with my guy. I'm a vintage loving, crafty girl at heart that's then happy with rummaging through old things trying to find that buried treasure!
2. Whats The Name Of Your Blog?: My blog is lovingly named LOTS after shortening it down from A Life of a Twenty Something after seeing so many with the same name.
3. Explain What Your Blog Is About?: My blog is a total mish mash of everything which reflects being me. Predominately I write about the subtle differences between life between the US and the UK, my crafting adventures, collecting vintage powder compacts to running a series about other bloggers who collect. I also love to show the hidden tourist side of life in and around Detroit, the odd review is thrown in for good measure and life with my husband and our two cats [Ed and Smoket].
4. What Inspired You To Start Your Blog?: I started my blog back in the summer of 2009 when I was meant to be writing up my MA dissertation but I badly needed a distraction and a friend suggested having an online space to try and write down just random things. I use to talk about a lot of my academic interests but it grew into being a lot more personal over the years.
5. If You Could Only Have One Make-up Item In The World What Would It Be?: Would always have to be eyeliner, I can go without a full face of make up, but going without eyeliner and I look like a zombie.
6. What Posts Do You Enjoy Writing The Most? Reviews, Swatches, Products e.t.c?: I love writing honest reviews, I'm not into glamming up a product and I'm not one to be reviewing something everyone else is, because I want to offer my readers something different. I'm more likely to review that random hidden product, probably something with a bit of history that someone else might overlook. 
7. Where Can We Follow You?: You can follow me on my blog through the old GFC [], or on Hellocotton [link -]  bloglovin [] and twitter [link -!/LO_TS]
8. What Blogs Do You Recommend Us To Read?:\ I always love reading  So About What I Just Said; Just Jesss - Why Girls Are Weird - Its Charr -
9. Where Do You See Your Blog Going In The Next Year?: Hopefully just continuing the adventures of American life, maybe seeing us move, lots more road trips and many more crafty journeys. 
10. And Lastly, Is There Any Advice You Would Give To Other Bloggers? Always take the time to read other peoples blogs and comment, I think you can learn so much about blogging from other people. I get a lot of my inspiration just by reading other peoples work and thinking how I could take their ideas and run wild with it.
see you soon x
dont forget to enter my 200 follower giveaway, there is only a couple of days left to enter

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