Hair & Beauty Magazine

Blog URL Has Changed???!!!

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90
hi everyone,
i really don't know where this week has gone, i cant believe its been over a week since i have posted something on here, its really weird.
so to kick of the new lot of posting, i have changed my URL!!!
wooooo! finally!
because i changed my blog name, i couldn't really leave my blog URL as the same, and i have always wanted to change it to a proper link :D
how snazzy! its all professional and everything *ha*
so all my old url's will redirect to this one, so hopefully i shouldn't have any problems, if you do find any problems with it please do tell me because it did say it would take up to 48 hours, but i haven't seen any problems yet :D
hope this helps everyone and hopefully you can all find me alot easier
have an amazing day!
blog URL has changed???!!!

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