Lifestyle Magazine

{Blog Crushes}

By Whimofthesouth
As a baby blog, I'm constantly looking at other blogs I admire and wishing/ aspiring to be more like them. Many of the blogs I follow along with have similar values as I do and have similar content to what I have or what  I wish to expand to as Whim of the South grows. These lovely ladies are the ones I look to for ideas, for motivation, and even sometimes to help me know what I'm looking forward to (hopefully.)

1.{Blog Crushes}

{Blog Crushes}

Carly from The College Prepster always seems so classy and put together. She doesn't bad mouth people and really helps to motivate her readers. Not only is her blog based on all things wonderful, exciting, and is based on her true thoughts. Her content is all original and she interacts with her followers. 2.

{Blog Crushes}

{Blog Crushes}

Sarah from Classy Girls Wear Pearls is someone who I look to for a lot of style inspiration. Goodness knows how happy I would be if I had a closet like hers. But Sarah is not only a classy example for younger girls, she has shown that you can build a brand with someone you love at a young age. She and KJP are the basis for young entrepreneurs. They also live a pretty amazing life in the New England area (it almost makes me want to leave the South...almost).3.

{Blog Crushes}

{Blog Crushes}

Pearls and Twirls is a site that  I just recently landed upon and fell in love with. Because Katie always has a cute approach to the classics, I started following along. She always has a different take on certain style (like the boyfriend jeans pictured above). I love her approach to the classics. Katie gives the classics a bit of a modern edge and its to die! 4.

{Blog Crushes}

{Blog Crushes}

Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere has created what seems like an empire. She has her own book, advertising deals, and still maintains her personal life. Her outfit combinations are unexpected but she can completely pull them off. Emily inspires me to try different combinations, even if I'm not entirely sure about the end result. She takes a risk in fashion. 5.

{Blog Crushes}

{Blog Crushes}
Jenni from I Spy DIY is someone I've been following along with since high school. I actually emailed her when I first considered blogging and she was so personable and encouraging, it was refreshing! Jenni made her passion into her career which is something I admire more than y'all know. Because I love attempting DIY projects, her site is perfect! Fun fact: Jenni actually started out with a fashion blog and transitioned into a DIY blog!What are your blog crushes?xoBCC

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