Politics Magazine

“Blacks Are the Least Intelligent Race of All”

Posted on the 23 March 2014 by Calvinthedog

TheWhiteManKnows writes:

Black people are, by all measures, inherently less intelligent than other races. There is no real question about that.

But the fact remains, black people are significantly less intelligent than all other races. There’s a lot of great resources out there about the racial distribution of intelligence, you should really look into it.

Tulio responds: “But the fact remains, black people are significantly less intelligent than ***all other races.***”

And another thing. Why are people always saying this? It’s not true. The San Bushman and the Australoids are not Negroes, but they have lower IQ’s. So why are Negros always been ranked as the least intelligent race when they aren’t? At least by measurement of IQ

I thank Tulio very much for that remark.

Tulio is correct of course.

Anyway, the “lowest IQ of all races” argument refers to African Blacks. Their IQ ranges from 67-75, depending on the studies. But even there, several racial/ethnic groups are lower, and one is about the same:

Caribbean Blacks 72
African Blacks 71
Papuans 64
Aborigines (pure-blood) 62
Bushmen 50?
Pygmies 50?

African-Americans and British Blacks are a different animal altogether, though I suppose that statement makes a lot of folks mad. Af-Ams (85-87?) and British Blacks (86) have much higher IQ’s than African Blacks, but the racists conflate African Blacks and Western Blacks as a way of attacking Western Blacks. So when racists say “Blacks are the stupidest race of them all” what they are really saying is “Western Blacks are the dumbest race of them all,” because the racists’ target is Western Blacks and racists care nothing about Africa.

But are Western Blacks the dumbest race of all? Of course not. In addition to:

Papuans 64
Aborigines 62
Bushmen 50?
Pygmies 50?

we have even more groups. So it looks like this:

World average 89
Amerindians 87
Polynesians 87
Micronesians 87
US Blacks 86
British Blacks 86
Melanesians 86
Modern Aborigines (White-Aborigine mix) 85
Arabs 83?
South Asians 81?
Caribbean Blacks 72?
African Blacks 67-75
Papuans 64
Aborigines (pure-blood) 62
Bushmen 50?
Pygmies 50?

There are eight groups less intelligent than Western Blacks, one just as intelligent, and three more only slightly more intelligent. The last four groups are for all intents and purposes at the same IQ level of Western Blacks. There are fully 12 different major racial/ethnic groupings who are either less intelligent or just as intelligent as Western Blacks.

On a world level, Western Blacks are certainly not the dumbest group of them all, and actually their intelligence compares favorably or equivalently with many other racial/ethnic groups. In fact, Western Blacks are only 3 IQ points below the average for the human race as a whole, so Western Blacks are quite close the average IQ of humans in general.

“Niggers ain’t got no brains” is a nice little racist line and it seems to ring at least true in a lot of ears, but once we examine the facts, it is shown to be much exaggerated at the very least.

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