Self Expression Magazine

Bits and Pieces

By Myfilmproject09

Bits and pieces
This is an British band, the Dave Clark 5 in the 60's who was one of the British bands that walked over all of America except for Motown. I just thought to use the idea for what's going on in my busy work for an old guy.
Well, I got some money back, but not great. I was supposed to get 1500 euro which is close to almost .
Instead I got $1300! 
Nice, eh?
Well, it's not all bad. Actually I will get almost the real amount when it goes to my Canadian money. What happens is that since I am not working in France, and will take off my real Canadian tax amounts.
So it won't be that bad as Canadian taxes are far lower than France.
So, on to another item.
I had contacted my first agent, way back in 1990 and he was still in business and also ready to take me on again. 
And this is just the beginning. I got my $1300 rather than $3000 but most of that will come out from my taxes, in which I will get a Canadian part, which is, of course a lot better.
Life goes like that.
I also have to re-read my 45th screenplay (not a number but the title for my new screenplay. I've probably mentioned it to you, wherein I wrote a story about a young girl who discovered her mom's ex.
I wrote about this a while back.
And that it actually was my ex's daughter who discovered me from 40 years. Really!!
I don't really mention that, at least till anyone wants to ask me.
Brenda and me.  And we found each other again.
Bits and pieces
1971 --  How's that for a movie ending?
Bits and pieces.

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