Family Magazine

Best YouTube Channels for Toddlers That You Must Subscribe To!

By Shwetashetye
Best YouTube channels for toddlers that you must subscribe to!

Image courtesy winnond at

Are you often searching for best YouTube channels for toddlers that you must subscribe to? I am with you on that! Don’t judge me, but I am guilty of sometimes plopping my daughter in front of the tab to get some things done. Why the the tablet you ask? Oh I will give you the most funniest reason.

So, the other day, before the tablet, I used to distract her with Hindi songs. One fine day I see her gyrating to “Lovely ho gayi” (a bollywood song) while trying to pull her t shirt up enough to expose her torso!! That was a serious shock to me, and hilarious too, but more serious. So, I no longer use TV as a distraction and would rather have her listen to some action songs or alphabets.

What do toddlers enjoy listening to or how do they learn the most? Through trials and errors and observing my daughter after exposure to these channels, I have subscribed to a few that really made a difference with her observational skills, learning and of course entertainment. Here they are –


Lovely little Annie and her best friends, Ben and Mango can keep your little one entertained quite well. The most annoying thing with a few channels, is the horrible accent, loud colors and horrid animation that deters anyone, let alone a child, from watching them. I might collate a list of absolute DO NOT WATCH for toddlers later. THis one has wonderful colors, good animation and very clear pronunciations.

Sesame Street

Can we go wrong with Elmo? With my 2 year old it is a hit, for younger ones less than 2, I don’t think it would be very entertaining. The colors and some recordings are a bit too pastel for little kids who love bright colors. But, since she now has started understanding quite some English words, it keeps her interested.

Mother Goose Club

Love love love this channel! Not just for the colors and rhymes, but the crafts. The kids are not over dramatic and the speed plus pronunciation of words is really great. I love the actions that go along with songs. This ensures that she uses her memory to remember them along with the words.


Strictly for kids less than 3 years! Why? Cause these many toys that are not available in India will definitely make them sad. For the less than 3 year old, this has the most amazing play doh creations. My daughters loves to imitate every play doh creation she makes. In the lines of this, you can also check the BabyBigMouth channel, which pretty much is the same.


Can anyone not like this cute little button? My daughter adores her! I doubt she understands anything she says with the thick British accent, but she loves the animation. She does identify the pig family and Peppa too. I am sure as she grows the love for Peppa will only grow.

These are pretty educational in nature, but she also indulges in utter nonsense on the tablet. I wouldn’t trade this for the idiot box that shows half-naked women as idols to little girls. Of course, the choice of what you watch is yours, but there is very less variety on TV in terms of viewable channels.

One bitter lesson I have learnt from this whole episode of YouTube video selections is that do not let your child associate TV or tablet viewing with any important activity of the day. These devices should not be a trigger to eating time or dinner time. I have had a tough time getting rid of her association of tablet with eating times.

Are there any YouTube channels that we missed? Share the ones you and your little one really enjoy watching.

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