Family Magazine

Benefit Summer Ready Face (That Won’t Melt Off)

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h

In celebration of Melbourne’s late Summer (which I hope sticks around for a little while this time) I thought I would kick things off with a Summer Ready face I wore to an event the other day! Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
Benefit has always had a soft spot with me, and is one of the main products or brands I turn to when looking for a “new” product to add to my cosmetic collection.
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
Enough about that though and lets talk about the products that I used to create this look.
The first product I used under my eyes (and have used for the last week as my Holy Grail product is:
NEW Benefit Puff OFF $44.00
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
Puff of was only released on the 31st of Jan 2015 and we were lucky enough to receive it at Mel and my event Glamour Affair, where the BeneBabes demonstrated how to use this product and spoke to us a little more in depth about it.
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
The thing I love most about this product is the unique tip or head of the product that looks just like a mini iron, though this one is used for under your eyes not on your clothes!
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
We were given a tip as well that when you are putting the lid back on the product you must make sure you leave the shield at the front to ensure you don’t go breaking off ya’ iron tip haha- thanks BenefitI know without this tip I would have snapped this thing right off and cried over it for weeks.
The next product I used as my base/primer is of course none other then :
Benefit the POREfessional PRO balm $53.00
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
This was my first ever Benefit product that I ever did own and it is my favorite product of theirs to date- although the rate they keep bringing out amazing products this could soon change!
So as you are probably all aware this PRO balm helps to create an even, flat surface to apply your foundation on; focusing on eliminating those pores so you get a flawless finish.
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
I don’t think I would say I have bad pores, but in my nose and forehead region as the years creep up on me so do the not so flawless foundation finish. If I don’t use POREfessional I know for a fact I am doomed and will end up washing my makeup off and starting all over again.
If you haven’t tried this product and are looking in the Benefit department I would suggest starting here.
Now if you suffer from oily skin and cant keep your foundation on for long as you end up looking like a grease ball in the heat then do I have the product for you!
Benefit the POREfessional License to blot stick
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
This is super, duper brand new so new that it isn’t released to public, so I will be interested to learn if the world goes cray cray or not.
The License to Blot Stick will be released in OzTown on the 25th Feb, so you really don’t have to wait to long- it may feel like that date is taking forever to come around though.
So the License to Blot is an instant oil-blotting stick, which gets those magical Benefit fairies working away to remove those shiny schnozzes (noses) and oil prone areas without the need of blotting papers.
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
I'm kind of a fence sitter on this one though as I only get a oily nose here and there and not sure if this fixes the problem or makes it worse by blocking up my pores but adding a matte finish to the problem area.
I will continue to use this product however and see if it does create blockages and breakouts or just mattefies my problem areas!
Now that the base is covered I began to apply to foundation to cover my blemishes and nasty pasty face demons.  For this I used:
Benefit HELLO FLAWLESS foundation $55.00
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
Benefit have a few foundations but there is only one I use in Summer and FLAWLESSis the only one that doesn’t give me breakouts and make me look like I have been working over a deep fryer.
FLAWLESS also has an SPF 25+ meaning it will provide you with some protection from the nasty sun and help prevent sun damage.
It is also a brightening formula, which make this Mumma look like she has had an uninterrupted 10 hours sleep (don’t think I have ever slept that long in 10 long years!)
The only thing I would suggest is to get a tone darker then your normal shade for Summer as you may end up looking like a ghost in comparison to your body-like me J
Talking about white, to help prevent the Dracula look, or as some call it the porcelain look (which don’t get me wrong is for some but for this half European half Kiwi lily white just doesn’t suit) so I like to bronze it up in the Summer; ok and in Winter, Spring and Autumn.
For the Bronzed babe look I use:
Benefit HOOLA Bronzer $51.00
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
The reason I think I wanted to get this product so bad was because EVERY single beauty blogger/vlogger I follow raves on about it and how awesome it is. Thankfully the BeneBabes LOVE me and gifted me this one to try out, and I did scream inside and do my little happy dance around the house when receiving it; I wont lie J
I know can confirm this product is worth the rave and is worth spending your pennies on! It is a bronzer that can be worked up and doesn’t just smudge on deep bronze, so you can go with a lighter bronze look or the full deep look.
One thing I can’t stand is when you go to use a bronzer and it goes on like dirt, meaning I have to take my face off and start again.  The HOOLAdoes not do this at all, I promise.Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
I also love using this as a contouring powder on my cheeks, forehead and nose and seems to do the trick nicely.
Also makes me feel like I should be on a tropical island sipping Pina Coladas or something.
Benefit benetint lip & cheek stain $55.00
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
Unless I am going out I don’t like having out there lips, they don’t suit me very well anyway.
So I love being able to use the benetinton my lips to give them a natural red color without looking like I covered them in lippy.
To achieve this look all you have to do is paint the benetint on with the little brush. You then dab it in to help and blend in the color or else you will end up streaky and then let it sit on your lips for a little while until it dries, just that easy!
Benefit Summer Ready Face (That won’t melt off)
You can use it as a cheek stain as well, but I have never really been one to conquer this look and end up looking like I have been bruised or something. Maybe one day with a heck of a lot of practice I will get there, but for now I will stick to using my HOOLA on the cheeks!
Have you beauties used any of these products yet, and if so what are your faves, I would love to hear from you!?

To check out their full range of products just head to

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