Hair & Beauty Magazine

Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Concentrate

By Beautifulbuns

I can’t believe I actually sat on this product for more than a month before using it – this has got to be one of my most favourite items at the moment! Besides the fact that there’s a dropper delivery system (simply cos I’m frivolous and like to  put some fun into my skincare regime), the efficacy is really astounding.

Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Conc 2Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Concentrate – S$85

belif peat miracle revital serum conce info

Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Conc
Really meticulously packed product – the dropper is separated from the bottle in a mini box within the box. Boxception!

Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Conc 3
Just one droplet on the back of my hand…

Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Conc 5
… which is absorbed rather quickly

Belif Peat Miracle Revital Serum Conc 4
Can you see the difference?

I say…

I love, love, love, love this product.

  • First of all, I love the packaging – it comes all separated and you have to put it together. In a way, it ensures that the serum keeps its product integrity intact.
  • There’s a faint herbal scent that’s not overpowering, but subtle enough to give a slight aromatherapy feel.
  • The serum itself is slightly thicker in consistency than usual serums – it actually reminds me slightly of oil but it is not oily.
  • All I need is 3 drops for my entire face.
  • It spreads so smoothly and is relatively quickly absorbed (not superbly quickly). Note that the finish is slightly sticky (I attribute this to the concentration of the serum/essence). You’ll need a few pats to set it in, so be patient.
  • Once it sets in, my skin feels firmer with a distinct increase in the skin’s bounciness.
  • Since it doesn’t have a matte/velvety finish, I love using this in the mornings, cos it helps my makeup to adhere better to my face, and sort of acts as a primer (although I still steadfastly apply the Sulwhasoo Luminature Essential Finisher as my main primer).
  • After just one week of use, I find that my skin’s clarity has increased. It looks brighter and more radiant, and is smoother, softer and yet firmer.
  • I apply this twice a day -morning and night- after my Orbis Toner and DRX Comedone Formula. It’s kinda like Sulwhasoo’s First Care Serum and belif’s Numero 10 Essence (which come before the rest of your skincare), so I alternate between the two.


I did get a slight shock of horror when I first saw the price tag of $85, but I guess it’s justified – it really works well. These days, I can see a nice glow in my sans-makeup face, to the extent that I don’t even feel that self-conscious when making video calls with my Korean oppa 오빠 friends



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