Fashion Magazine

Being One and Only

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul
You might have already known that I am the only child in the family. Most of the children would trade lives to be an only child. Why? Of course, the benefits. You get all the attention from your parents. You don't have to share your gifts and stuffs with sisters or brothers. Parents will listen and attend to you because they are afraid to lose the one and only blessing that the Almighty gave them. And the list of all the good things goes on....
But of course, you will always be judged by others as a spoiled brat (which in most cases is true).
Being One and Only
However, unlike any only children, I am not spoiled. Everything I get is the mere fruit of the efforts I put into them. Circumstances had me learned everything.
Ever since I was young, I've always learned things alone because I have to learn them A-L-O-N-E! It's not like my parents aren't there for me. I just had to learn everything on my own. It's a way of discipline for me. As far as I am concerned, it kinda worked.
Being an only-child is sometimes boring. Sometimes. Why? Because all the advantages of being an only child is oh-awesome!
As you grow old, being an only child would only put rocks on your shoulders. You begin to feel the need of somebody to lean on during sad moments. You need someone to advice you when you are faced with decisions.
Being One and Only
Until yesterday, I've been thinking. What if I had a sister/brother? Would it be far different? Would I not feel this weight on my shoulders? Would I have someone to carry the bricks for me? It has always been the same questions.
But no! I am not questioning why Allah made me an only child. As I told you, the advantages run over the disadvantages.
It's just pure curiosity. You know, often, when you're not busy with something, your brain tends to cross universe.
It's a blessing that I have many best friends, friends, etc etc. My extended family is huge, as well. How on earth would I feel left out with all the good people around me?

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