Fashion Magazine

Beauty: Bargain Makeup Storage*

By Ninegrandstudent

I’ve lusted over other bloggers’ Muji drawers for far too long, but simply never been able to part with the cash. Its a lot of money, and they are actually quite big – I wasn’t sure if I actually had enough makeup to fill them! Plus with moving to and from university every year I just wasn’t prepared to take the risk of investing and then damaging them. So, Muji drawers out, where to next?

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I’ve mainly used the combination of makeup bags (Debenhams range is the best, in my opinion) and pretty mugs to store makeup in, so I was delighted when Viking asked me to choose some products from their site. I immediately honed in on what seemed to be Muji-dupes, in the form of the Osco Desktop Organiser. They do a slightly bigger version here, but I find that this is the perfect size. I’ve now got hold of two (only one came from Viking PR!) and think they look great on my shelves. Plus it seems to be just the right size for my makeup.

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The only slight issue is that these aren’t very deep, so they won’t hold foundation bottles. I received the OSCO 5 Tube Pot* to hold my foundations, and it worked perfectly until the tallest tube suddenly snapped. Not sure why it did this, as it seemed strong – I’d still recommend it as I probably had thrown something in it too hard! The delivery from Viking was amazingly quick; I’d actually ordered from them a few times, so it’s definitely a site I love. Anyway, where else can you buy 1kg of Aero Hot Chocolate*?!

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As for the rest of my makeup storage? My foundations are currently looking clean, so they are out on a shelf alongside my perfume and room spray. Any brushes and really regularly reached for things like mascara sit in a Cath Kidston mug; I love these as they look great and are a large size. Some people say they are expensive, but really I’ve always got a lot of use out of them; the size makes them perfect for storage and hot chocolates!
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How do you store your makeup?

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