Destinations Magazine

Be the Superstar in Your Life

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

When we started this blog, we did it with the sole purpose of inspiring others to travel. We wanted everyone we knew to learn how to dream, then make those dreams a reality. Turn off the tube and stop living vicariously. This is why if anyone we knew wanted to travel somewhere with us, we were game for it.

Rambler Family and Friends

Rambler Family and Friends

Some of our best memories to date were of traveling with friends and family. We have gone to some great lengths to meet people we know all over the world.

Ken and I are taking a giant leap of faith in each other right now. We are selling everything we own that won’t fit into our tiny car and going out into the world. We are placing full trust in ourselves and in each other to be safe and happy. This is terrifying for me. The unknown is scary! I am going completely out of my comfort zone and letting the universe (and my love) guide me.

I am brave! This is my new mantra. I wake up every day now and say it. I can conquer this! Being brave means going outside of your comfort zone, taking a risk, being uncomfortable, being frustrated, facing the possibility of failure head on.

Everything must go!

Everything must go!

I could stay inside my safe Florida condo, with my nice things and fancy ways, or I can be brave and venture out into the world and experience life.

Kenin and I managed to fall into exactly what we didn’t want with life. We spent years slowly amassing more and more stuff. Our clothes slowly became more expensive, our cars and houses became more luxurious, we started slowly placing more value in our possessions because they cost more money and in order to earn the money to pay for these nice things we spent more time apart. This was never what either of us wanted out of a life together. Purging the “stuff” and going out into the world side by side is scary, yes, but it is liberating. There are few things in this world that I actually need to survive and there are fewer, simpler things that I actually need to make me happy. I need my husband (and not just the idea of him), I need my friends and family. I need people (I am very much a people person

). I need to go out into the world and smell the fresh air, see animals in their natural habitat, commune with nature.  I have just one want in my life now. I want to see everything!

In the middle of writing this, something dramatic changed in my life. More dramatic than selling everything I owned, and more dramatic than being “homeless”. Punkin passed away 1 day before his 13th birthday. He has been with me almost every day for the past 12 and a 1/2 years. I guess I never really thought of a life without him. I just lived like he would be traveling by my side forever. Death really makes you stop and think, about life. I want to live life to the fullest. I won’t let anything stop me from being happy. I want to make other people happy as well. I want my life to have purpose, and not just for myself. I want to see others around me happy as well. I want people to take what’s important to them, and put those first, before it is too late.

Punkin Bassart

Miss you buddy R.I.P

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