Environment Magazine

Bay Area Judi Bari Screenings and Q&As; with Earth First! Activists

Posted on the 15 May 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal
judibariposterThere will be a weeks’ worth of events surrounding Judi Bari Day, May 24, the anniversary of the Oakland car bombing that nearly took her life and that she was almost framed for.Who Bombed Judi Bari?,  the 93-minute documentary Directed by Mary Liz Thomson and produced by Darryl Cherney, will be screening four times in the Bay area: twice in Oakland and twice in San Francisco, in addition to related events celebrating Judi’s life. Please attend any or all of these upcoming Bay area events. There is something for everyone.Who Bombed Judi Bari? Documentary screens:Monday *May 20 * Who Bombed Judi Bari? Documentary@Occupy SF @Local 2 * 215 Golden Gate * San Francisco * 6pm – 9 pm * FreeQ&A with Earth First! co-founder Mike Roselle and Producer Darryl CherneyWed. * May 22 * Who Bombed Judi Bari? Documentary@Neibyl-Proctor Library 6501 Telegraph * Oakland * 7pm * DonationQ&A with Earth First! co-founder Mike Roselle and Producer Darryl CherneyThurs. * May 23 * Press Conference 1 pm @ Mythbusters Studio, 1268 Missouri, San FranciscoTo expose cast member Retired FBI Agent Frank Doyle who Mythbusters hired as a man convicted of lying about the bomb in Judi Bari’s car.  We will be challenging them to bust some Myths about Doyle.Thursday * May 23 * Bay Area Radical History Series: Redwood SummerPresentation on Redwood Summer and Earth First! forest defense direct actions in the 1990s,  with EF! activists Karen Pickett & Mokai Blue presenting @The Holdout 2313 San Pablo * Oakland * 7pmFri * May 24 * Judi Bari Day 23rd Annual Memorial Gathering @the scene of the Car-Bombing in front of Oakland High School,  at Park Blvd. & E. 33rd. near MacArthur * Oakland *Gather at 11:30 to mark the moment (12 noon). Bring words and music.*Fri * May 24 * Who Bombed Judi Bari? Outdoor ScreeningProjected onto Mythbusters Studio front wall1268 Missouri * San Francisco * 8:30pmMythbusters hired FBI agent, Frank Doyle, to build bombs and appear on their show (12 episodes).  We’re telling Mythbusters to bust a myth or two about Retired Special Agent DoyleQ&A with Earth First! co-founder Mike Roselle and Producer Darryl Cherney*Sat * May 25 * Who Bombed Judi Bari? ScreeningSudo Room * 2141 Broadway * Oakland * 7pm Sponsored by Bay Area IWW, Nerds for Nature, and The Sudo RoomQ&A with Earth First! co-founder Mike Roselle and Darryl Cherney :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters 2530 San Pablo Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702 510-548-3113 [email protected] www.HeadwatersPreserve.org

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