Destinations Magazine

Bathymetry of Lake Ontario

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon
February 23, 2016

Bathymetry of Lake Ontario

Bathymetry of Lake Ontario

Bathymetry is used to measure water depths to help model physical underwater terrain found beneath large bodies of water. Similar to the same way that LiDAR models are represent 3D features (or relief) of land terrain, bathymetric maps illustrate the terrain or land that is located under large bodies of water. Color ramps created from depth contours or isobaths help make the variations in relief easier to see.

“High-resolution digital bathymetry makes possible meaningful quantitative estimates of available habitats for fish and other living organisms. In other lakes these estimates have been used to formulate regulations intended to prevent overfishing. Conversely, Great Lakes bathymetry is much in demand by anglers as an aid in locating the most promising areas for fishing.”

The Bathymetry of Lake Ontario was the third poster map released by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) depicting highly detailed bathymetry data ( at 2 meter contour interval) of the Great Lakes. Click here for more details on the Bathymetry of Lake Ontario data set and use the links below to download the pre-made maps and GIS data:

The other Great Lakes Bathymetry data can also be downloaded here

By canadiangisFiled in: Data & Software, Free Data & SoftwareTags: , Bathymetry of Lake Ontario. Bathymetry, data, download, Lake Ontario, LIDAR, Ontario

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