Fashion Magazine

Barry M Natural Glow Palette | Review and Swatches

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


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I’ve been after an eyeshadow palette that is easy to grab when going away but still gives me makeup choices. I have been eying up the Barry M palettes in Boots and Superdrug for quite a while now, every time I went in I would give them a look, but most of the Boots and Superdrug stores I’ve been in haven’t had testers available which makes it a little tricky when debating which palette to get. As you can see I eventually chose the Natural Glow palette, I thought this was pretty much a safe bet and I would be able to make use of the eyeshadow shades.

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The palette has 6 eyeshadows 4 satin and 2 matte, along with a satin blusher. Annoyingly the shades don’t have names! I’ve never tried anything from Barry M which isn’t a nail polish or a lip liner, and the palette gives me a chance to try their eyeshadows and blushers.

I have used two of the eyeshadows which were the second and third ones along, the matte highlight shade and the matte brown. When I used these two shades I found that there was some fallout to be cleared up but that was easily brushed away.

For £6.49 I can’t really complain about the packaging, it’s cardboard which means it will probably get a little damaged in my makeup bag when going away, but there is a handy mirror which is a decent size for doing your eye makeup in.

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I’m not impressed with the satin purple shade, it’s not very pigmented which is a shame as I was really looking forward to using it. I’ve also found that the blusher isn’t highly pigmented. When taking my photos I really struggled to get the camera to pick them up once I’d swatched them on my arm, you can just about see them in the photo above.

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